In the 1980s, manufacturers began to add electronics to their slot machines, programming them to weigh particular symbols. The increased weighting increased the frequency with which symbols appeared and disappeared from the reels, making the odds of winning a jackpot disproportionate to the frequency of their appearance. Despite these advancements, symbols still only appeared on a single player reel, even though they might occupy multiple stops on more than one reel. The resulting increase in odds of winning a slot became a phenomenon that was known as “slotting”.
Identifying a slot
In the present invention, identifying a slot is done by examining the address signal. This signal is derived from the component coupled to the address pin of the slot. In one embodiment, a slot resistor 301 is coupled to the address pin of each slot and the circuit ground node. As the slot resistors have different values, they cause different voltage drops across each register. This allows the machine to identify the slot by its address.
A circuit coupled to a board resistor and an analog to digital converter can identify a slot. The frequency response of the electronic component in each slot is measurably different, and thus, each one has a different identification value. An analog to digital converter can detect the differences between two identical slots and determine their unique address. A second circuit, based on a current source, uses the unique slot resistor 301 to determine the current.
Creating a slot type
Creating a slot type is similar to defining a content type in WordPress. You define certain properties in the schema of the content that goes into a slot type. For example, you might map a flight number to a slot type using regular expressions. Likewise, you might map a word in an utterance to a slot type using regex patterns. When creating a slot type, keep these properties in mind:
The next step in creating a slot type is to set its name. This attribute determines how the slot will be accessed. The name must be less than 200 characters, and the ID must be unique. After defining the name, you need to specify the type of content to be injected into the slot. A slot must have a special attribute called “name”, and if it does not have a name, it will be treated as a default slot. The name is optional, but should be no longer than 200 characters.
Adding a slot to an utterance
To add a slot to an utterance, first map the underlying linguistic structure. The slot name must be in the format slotName, with spaces at both ends. For example, if the intent is to find a service, you might add the slot “Service” more than once. You would also add a new slot with the same name if you need to make changes to a previously mapped utterance.
The Lex engine can only understand text in the form of slots if it knows the underlying account type. The intent name is displayed next to the slot values. In this example, we will add a slot to a user’s utterance to add the date of birth, as well as the account type. We’ll examine each of those values in more detail below. We will use an example from the Amazon Lex console to illustrate the concept.
Adding a slot to a recommendation
When a recommendation is created, it can include a slot or filter. Using a slot or filter increases the potential variety of the items included in the recommendation. You can add filter criteria to include items with specific attributes, such as brand, color, shape, or category. Each slot can contain up to 1,000 items. In addition to the slots, you can include an attribute that helps determine which items to show to a user.
By adding a slot, you can map specific information to the recommendation. You can map a slot value to different types of entities and phrases. Adding a slot is as simple as naming it. You can go to the Slots tab and type the name of the slot you want to add. Once this is done, you can select the appropriate slot for your recommendation. If you want to add a slot for your recommendation, it must have an equivalent placeholder on the target page.